vineri, 15 iunie 2012

Xbox 360 to work with all the devices you own

Just short time ago, Microsoft unveiled its plans regarding Xbox 360 which point to the possibility to use all the devices you own to companionate Xbox 360. In an attempt to make Xbox Live a more universal cloud-computing service, Microsoft just confirmed the release of a new technology that will make Android phones, iPad, iPhone, Windows iPhone and Windows 8 computers companion devices for everything you can experience with Xbox 360.

Thus, Xbox 360 will become more of a digital hub making it possible to synchronize content between the console and one of the devices aforementioned. Moreover, consumers will be able to use their tablet to get custom information and details about the content displayed on the TV screen. For instance, a live map on your tablet will explain what happens on screen while playing a “Game of Thrones” episode.

As most Xbox 360 fans already know, there’s a basic companion app that allows Windows Phone devices to find and control content on the Xbox 360. What Microsoft is trying to do now is to expand this technology to other devices and add new features as well.

One of the goodies this release will come up with is the Internet Explorer. Thus, you’ll be able to browse the web on the console and control your web browsing experience from one of the devices mentioned already. You’ll be able to manage your playlists, share your music choices socially and make suggestions. SmartGlass will change the way you play games, watch shows or movies and listen to music. This complete multimedia app will be released later this year, most probably this fall.

The company’s Zune brand gets attention too. A new Xbox Music service will be released being available not only across tablets and phones but also across Windows 8 computers and of course, Xbox 360.

A new Nike+ Kinect training program that Microsoft previewed at the E3 video game convention in Los Angeles will come out as well. Making use of Nike’s program for professional athletes, the Xbox 360 Kinect sensor will provide users with personalized training. Expanded sports programming have also been unveiled. The company said that NBA and NHL will join Major League Ball on Xbox Live.

The media brands that the new video streaming will deal with include Univision, Paramount and Nickelodeon. Not long is left until we actually get to enjoy all this. So, we’d better get ready for the great release.

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