joi, 14 iunie 2012

Next-generation Xbox to bring deep Skype integration

When Microsoft got Skype in their hands, it became obvious that the two would bring together hundreds of millions of consumers to communicate in new as well as interesting ways. Now, gamers have probably wondered whether Skype would become a feature on the next-generation Xbox or not. Well, as rumors have it, this feature will be released somewhere next year.

So, when Microsoft’s next Xbox console comes out, we’ll get to enjoy some Skype functionality. Some gamers might find this unnecessary as there’s already text, voice and video chat on Xbox Live. But as Microsoft suggested this is not going to be just some functionality. At least this is what we get from a Microsoft job posting: “Skype is working on powering real-time voice and video communications on the Xbox.”

The post also reads that Xbox is a fundamental lynchpin of Skype’s living-room strategy and that the company focuses on enabling amazing new in-game and in-console voice and video experiences for the next generation of Xbox. This gives many gamers the answer to the question regarding the Skype integration in the next-generation Xbox 360. It seems that this will be more than just an app and it will offer a richer and more complete Skype experience.         
If the Xbox Skype integration turns out to be just a next-generation only implementation, users will still have to wait a long time to enjoy that as the next Xbox is rumored to be released somewhere next year.

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